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Do what feels good!

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A holistic way to improve your health.

We know that every living organism has the ability to adapt and use different kinds of energies and that healing processes imply on the occurrence of multiple means of communication. There is no single “life force” or “healing energy”. In fact, there are several types of systems in a body that conduct energy and information from one place to another. Different energy therapies focus on different aspects of this multiplicity and each of these therapies offer valuable clues and testable hypotheses on how a human being’s energy system works. A body’s physiological and anatomical systems and its energetic systems are completely intertwined. An effective therapeutic treatment of one system unavoidably will affect the whole.


The study of energy is a multidisciplinary topic. To follow the energetic flows throughout the body is part of every main class in biology, from geophysics to organic interactions, even physiology and behavior, following them in every organ, tissue, cell, molecule, atom and their subatomic particles. This is a rich and fascinating perspective to be explored. The energy teaches us not only about the most minuscule parts of the body, but the energy interactions also respond for the important properties that arise in the relationships between the parts. One of these properties is what we call holistic, the integration that allows the parts to work together as a single successful unit.


The holism or a holistic approach is a way of understanding the world, the Human Being and Life itself as unique, complete and undissociated entities. This word comes from the Greek HOLOS meaning “whole” and represents a relatively new scientific and philosophical paradigm which proposes that the whole is more complex than the mere sum of its parts. It's a way of uniting the human being to the universe, seeking to integrate his/her aspects, physical, emotional, mental... Human Beings are not only physical matter, nor are they only consciousness, nor only emotions, therefore, taking into account only some of these aspects in isolation, is to lose sight of their integrity.


Orthodox Western health treatment techniques seek to cure exclusively through the use of medicine or other interventions, which act only on the physical level, not healing the disease, but only removing (and sometimes just masking) the symptoms, being that most diseases have their causes due to mental/emotional conflicts, and consequently, their origin lies outside the purely physical kind. Holistic therapies use various alternative techniques with the purpose of treating Human Beings as a WHOLE, in the all the levels combined, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Online sessions

Asa Sul – Brasília, DF

Tel: +55 61 9311-1129

Treatments avalilable


Gabriel Flower Remedies

Ayurvedic Massage

Cranial Massage

Prengnancy Massage


Magnified & Light Healing®

All Love

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