Informações sobre cursos e tratamentos de Reiki, Florais, Massagem, Magnified Healing e mais. Marque uma consulta: Asa Sul, BrasÃlia, DF. Daphne
Informações sobre cursos e tratamentos de Reiki, Florais, Massagem, Magnified Healing e mais. Marque uma consulta: Asa Sul, BrasÃlia, DF. Daphne
Informações sobre cursos e tratamentos de Reiki, Florais, Massagem, Magnified Healing e mais. Marque uma consulta: Asa Sul, BrasÃlia, DF. Daphne
Informações sobre cursos e tratamentos de Reiki, Florais, Massagem, Magnified Healing e mais. Marque uma consulta: Asa Sul, BrasÃlia, DF. Daphne
Reiki, florais, massagem, cura com luz
Daphne Aben-Athar Kipman
UnB History graduate
Reiki Master in Traditional Usui &
Tibetan Usui systems – TR 193-12/DF
Master in Japanese Reiki Techniques
Reiki therapist in the following systems:
Jikiden®, Karuna®, Seichim Seikhem Reiki-SSR
All Love Therapist and Teacher in Training
Magnified & Light Healing® Therapist
Gabriel flower remedies Therapist
I lived 13 years abroad, in Europe, the United States and the Caribbean. Besides learning several languages - which allows me to also work as a translator - I had the opportunity to get in touch with several cultures and lifestyles very different from my native Brazil.
Having studied History at the university, I learned to see the world with less fixed rules and determining characteristics. I believe that every society, culture and human being has their own special something and that there is always something to be learned when one comes into contact with the other. I learned that just because something is thought to be an absolute truth today, that doesn't mean that it will always be an absolute truth. I also learned that a single situation or event has as many points of view as there are viewers.
It was with this understanding that I found Reiki.
It was by chance that in January 2010 I went to take a class with Maria Tereza M. C. da Cunha. Little did I know about Reiki, all I knew was that it was one of those therapies that the person's hands get really warm when they touch you. I went to the workshop thinking it was on a lecture on the subject, and I didn't even imagine that at the end of that day I would leave there as someone who was in tune with the energy of the Universe. A new person. Someone with new ideas (that were in truth ancient ideas) which fit perfectly into my understanding of what Life is all about.
At that moment I started on a journey towards self-awareness and self-knowledge and never looked back. I started honing my skills, practicing and learning new techniques, but at first it did not occur to me to earn my living with this. I was happy only practicing my new skills on myself and on friends, family and patients at the Hospital de Base of Distrito Federal as a volunteer. Until the day that finally I realized that that was not enough, I felt that I should widen my reach. On july 2012 I became a Reiki Master and so began my professional career with these energy therapies.
Currently I have my own place for classes and consultations where I take take of people with the various techniques that I master. Please feel free to navigate through this website and schedule an appointment with me, if your heart desires.
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to make my contribution to the world in my own special way.
I finish this message involving all those who read it in a warm and loving embrace.